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The Full Story

Two years ago, when my daughter arrived, I left teaching to be a stay at home vegan mum.

I was always someone who thought I could never be a stay at home mum, that I would be bored. Boy how wrong was I! 

My journey to motherhood was a long and difficult one, this, along with my disillusionment in my profession (like so many teachers) led to my decision to be a stay at home mum. I wanted to make the most of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day that I possibly could, for as long as I possibly could, to build and nurture that most precious bond. I also wanted my child to have the best start in life, and this was it. It was the best decision I ever made! One that I will treasure forever...


However, whilst I gained a new me, I lost the old me, and now I need to find myself, so this is me trying to redefine myself, because soon my little one will be starting nursery, then who will I be and what will I do?

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